Sunday, March 28, 2010

A friend

"A friend is the first one to come in when the whole world has gone out"

I need a friend. I spend a lot of time on facebook, and that's where my socializing truly ends. I don't call anyone, I just don't want to be a bother and I'm not much of a phone person. I use to talk to my mom all the time, at the very least once a week. I could tell her anything and know that it was safe with her. I don't feel as if I have anyone in my life like that any more. So- where do you turn when the whole world has gone out? I have no idea. I am a complete wreck lately. I miss my mom and I miss my best friend. My mind is going over time and my heart is getting too heavy. I try to be happy and patient but those two things are slipping away. I just wish my phone would ring and on the other end would be a friend. Not just to listen to me but to share with me too. You know those "boring" day to day things that we all think are not important but just to have that outside contact and a glimpse into another's life sometimes puts your into prospective. I'm pretty popular in the cyber world - I have over 300 friends but nobody to call and nobody to call me. Some days I think I need to just not bother online and just shut it down for awhile but I am afraid that I truly would loose it and all contact with the world outside my house. I know the phone works both ways - but to be honest, I can't seem to muster up enough motivation to try. I am so alone and lost right now- so if you are a friend, please come in.

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