Sunday, May 31, 2009

Not sure what I am doing

I have no idea what I am doing - but I just felt like writing, so here I am. My family and I just relocated to my husband's hometown. We lived here before we had children (8 years ago) and things are strangely the same but very different too. We are living in my in laws basement while we get settled, but that in its self is rather unsettling. Oh well, I am here so what am I going to do? We are looking for a home to buy and he wants to stay close to them for babysitting reasons, but I would rather be closer to his work so that we have that much more time together. I am very scared about buying a house- but renting a house here would be just as expensive as a house payment.
Anyway- do random people read these? Am I suppose to let people (that I know) that I am doing this? I don't know what to do with this- but I wanted to write.